For the final project of my sophomore History of Graphic Design course, taught by Doug Scott at RISD, we were assigned to create an accordion-style fold out booklet that compared the lives and careers of two notable designers. At the same time, we had to include other major world history and design history dates to help contextualize the world they worked in. One designer was preassigned and the other could be chosen by the student. I was given Hans Schleger and decided to research the career of Tibor Kalman.
The final booklet features 20 pages covering the history of the world and graphic design from the late 19th century to 1999.
When laid out, the book spreads to over eleven feet long and features tabs along the side that can be used to navigate sections of the book, while also spelling out 'HANS&TIBOR' with the first letter corresponding with the name of each section.
Booklet designed using Adobe Indesign. Printed on cotton paper and assembled using flexible paper tape from CVS.