After applying for a leadership position within the Rhode Island School of Design’s popular Ski and Snowboard Club, I was chosen for the role of Social Media Representative. Starting in the spring of 2023, previous leaders who graduated at the end of the semester began to transfer their files and general information to the new President, Treasurer, and Social Media Representative.
Before that year, the club had little to no presence online or on social media, with an inactive Facebook page being the only account officially representing the club. In the fall of 2023, I began setting up a new Instagram account under the username @risdski to more successfully promote future trips and draw the attention of current RISD students.
The account quickly grew to 120+ followers, aided by promotion at the annual student club fair in early September. In November, I designed a poster to promote an upcoming information meeting, and hung the design around campus. Along with a post on social media, 50+ interested students attended the meeting and our email list for upcoming trips ballooned to over 300 emails.
In December, signups were sent out to students on the email list for four ski trips happening in January and February. Within the day, all trips and almost 200 spots were filled.
Following the 2023-24 academic year, the future and identity of the RISD Ski and Snowboard club is in safe hands with our student leaders, as the club has been recognized by RISD’s official sports page on Instagram and helped promote exercise and winter fun at the Rhode Island School of Design.
To give the club a new look for new leadership, I designed a new logo in the style of vintage ski patches and produced a short promotional video using motion graphics to introduce the account to the student body. The logo features a skier going down hill while sketching the mountains in the distance, an image that aligns with the creativity of RISD

Along with the new logo, patches that featured the design were produced to be handed out at the annual RISD student club fair in early September. Over 80 patches were produced and within a few hours both new and returning students were drawn to our table by the free patch, leading to over a hundred email list sign ups during that afternoon alone.
A design to commemorate the 2023-24 season of trips was also designed in a similar style to fit the look of the club.
These designs were made to be both physical flyers and posts on social media. Posters included promotion for the club fair, introduction to the new leaders, club announcements, and to advertise information meetings.
Posters designed in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.